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Homegrown, Baby!

Yeah, I didn't know what to file this under, as there's not an appropriate topic heading. Somehow Creepy Japanese Things doesn't fit...


While the Turtles and the Altos were playing last night at Sacred Heart, Tamara was in labor, and at a few minutes before ten last night, Hazel Mae was born...

Big beautiful eyes, head of dark hair, and a beautiful beautiful baby girl...

I took some pics, but we're still at the hospital...I'll post a few later on after we get home.


YEAH! Congratulations, Z and T! Congrat - u - frickin - lations!!!

Congrats. Hazel is a nice name.

The neighborhood just got a little more populated, Congratulations!

In with a BANG and a thunder crack woot!

How WAS the show last night, anyhow? anyone go?

Congrats! :)

Yay, congrats to you both. your life just got much more interesting/busy.

Hazel is a nice name indeed.

Wow, congratulations! :+)

congratulations & best wishes!

congratulations!! you guys are going to have a lot of fun.


We want photos! We want photos! Please.

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