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Dr. Sphincter

Dr. Sphincter
Hey! I uploaded Dr. Sphincter's, "Rest Stop Safari" to google video. This snippet tells the tale of Dr. Sphincter and his crew heading to northern Minnesota, to visit the strip mines near Hibbing. They give great narrative of their journey along the way. The trip took place back around 1990.

A quick history for the uninitiated. Dr. Sphincter (Rich Kronfeld), had an interview show on Cable Access down in the cities during the 80s. He and others did a show, "Ozone Radio", that aired on KTCA back in 1991. Rest Stop Safari appeared on Ozone Radio. Rich Kronfeld would later appear on "Lets Bowl" on Comedy Central beginning in 2000.

You should go view, NOW. These are 21 minutes of your life that you will never regret.


Ah, this takes me back. This is a better Ozone Clip. Industy Blooper Vids.. I have most of these on tape someplace and will have to look for "Clown Hunt" which is my fav. and has a cameo with yours truely. (my first in a long line of 'industrial Underground Art Films".

For more Rich Kronfeld related fun... goto Google Video and do a search for "Kronfeld".

For Kronfeld DVD stuff, go to Amazon.com and do a search for "Rich Kronfeld".

For the Lets Bowl episodes, Go here.

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