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A sad day.

I heard a rumor and drove by the Norshor to confirm it....

The lower marquee now says "Live Girls". Anyone have some info?


ugh... double post, thought I deleted the first one... oh well.

Yup,The story is in the Reader. The Doc plans support the building with "live" entertainment

Better than the alternative.

What's the alternative that this is better than?

People wanted the NorShor back because it was a cool place to hang out, not because of the building.
If we wanted to hang out in a strip bar, we could just to to the Toga.

Actually, I think that there's a comma missing, and it should read, "Live, girls." Like a statement of empowerment or something.

Seriously, though, what's the saturation point for peeler joints? Fuzzy's and the Saratoga in Duluth, the Lamplighter and Centerfolds in Superior ...

[insert joke about "saturation point" here]

Actually, I think that there's a comma missing, and it should read, "Live, girls." Like a statement of empowerment or something.

Seriously, though, what's the saturation point for peeler joints? Fuzzy's and the Saratoga in Duluth, the Lamplighter and Centerfolds in Superior ...

[insert joke about "saturation point" here]

I think my pants have reached the saturation point.

If you are opposed to this idea - please sign a letter addressed to Eric. The letter is at Perry Framing across the street from the Shor. The sooner the better.

i think he's doing it deliberately, quite frankly. not just for the money, but for that "pie in the face" reason i mentioned in my own much more cranky letter.

not that people shouldn't write their own letters. might make him think twice. but i don't think he worries too much about pissing people off anymore.

anyone else notice that Arno has quietly discontinued his "association"? so after it was revealed that his supposed "bookkeeping" of a non-profit was an outright lie, he just slinks away? what a joke. does this mean that after all that claiming he deserved his money (which was no doubt declared an unrecoverable loss by Builders years ago) he's finally figured out he wasn't going to come out ahead? kind of thick, there, it would seem.

Ya. Did that storm the other week throw all of Duluth into some alternate Richardson-esque inspired universe?

When did this happen:

"Ringsred, now the NorShor's sole owner, did not return repeated calls from the News Tribune.

Kahn, who has relinquished all claims to the NorShor, reserved comment on the theater becoming a venue for exotic dancing."

No one responds to my question on the DNT chat re: a titty bar being located across from PAVSA's children visitation center, but jackasses like this get 5 star ratings??:

"I hope this business caters to northland desires and has the steel to hire good looking caucasian women, something which is a minority in the Twin Ports." -- Herbie:FullyLoaded



As a side note, I like that PDD has now blocked anonymous troll postings.

oh pleeeeze! like live girls haven't been there all along.

Re: the Herbie:Fully Loaded comment... Sounds like something off the Duluth Citizens' Blog - my favorite Duluth soap opera...

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