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What's Your Japanese Subculture?

You Are a Henna Gaijin!
You're not Japanese, but you wish you were!
You can use chopsticks with your eyes closed, and you've memorized hundreds of Kanji.
You even answer your phone "moshi moshi."
While the number of anime videos you've seen is way higher than the number of dates you've been on, there's hope.
Play the sexy, mysterous gaijin, and you'll have plenty of Japanese meat.

What's Your Japanese Subculture?

Honestly, this quiz was sent to me in my email today by my aforementioned sister of the creepy niece fame. I submit it for your enjoyment... :-)


I tested the same.

i also tested the same. is that creepy or what?

I have no idea what my Japanese subculture is, but I'm happy to report my lucky underwear color is yellow.

Was the underwear originally yellow, or is that what makes them lucky?

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