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twin terrors!

3 twin terrors.jpg

here they are in all their glory. our own tonya von camp and her partner michael's beautiful twin boys. elden benjamin & ezra michael. i don't know which is which. i suppose right now they are interchangeable. born 30 january 2006. good luck you 4. at least we know they won't go hungry....


cutest twins ever


Hey! That's my birthday.

alas, I can no longer claim to be the only ezra in town...

I'd keep an eye on the one on the left.

Those are exceptionally cute babies. Almost makes me want to pop out another one. Almost, but not quite.

C-Freak - likewise it was nice meeting you. I will certainly be there....with bells on.

What does the "J" stand for? Is it a hand-me-down?

I love their names.

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