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So there I was, walking to school to-day, a bright beautiful warm morning, daffodils, tulips, crocuses (croci?) and verdant grass shooting up to greet the sun. I was in a good mood, energetic, thinking about how perhaps I should participate in an Earth Day clean-up of Tischer Creek. As I continued my stroll, something on the sidewalk caught my eye, a disgusting shade of glowing green, the likes of which I’ve never seen.

Apparently someone with a horrible nasal passage infection had passed this way recently. A few steps later and I saw more evidence. Obviously this person should not have been out of bed, much less out walking and evacuating their sick sinuses onto the sidewalk. Had they aimed one foot to the left, it would’ve gone into the grass and I wouldn’t have had to see it. Please people, Keep America Green - but not by hocking your snaggers onto the walkway! Woof!


But aren't snaggers bioderadeable?

ew ... i saw one on my way into work this morning that looked like a chewed up butterscotch candy ... i think i threw up a little in my mouth just thinking about it again ... [blurp]

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