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PDD Etymology

Who claims to be the originator of the phrase "Perfect Duluth Day" and/or "PDD"?

I first heard "Perfect Duluth Day" and "PDD" in the summer of 1999 (possibly May of 2000) from Tim Nelson. I always assumed that either he, Starfire or Haze came up with it.

[Incidentally, the phrase at the Nelson house was, "It's a PDD -- goddamn glorious!" I always loved that second part.]


Excellent question. I think I first heard the phrase in the summer of 2000 and was later told that it was coined by Chris Hazelton. I'm not really sure about that though.

I had no idea the term went back that far.

When Starfire and I came up with the idea for this blog (outside the Fitger's Brewhouse one summer night in 2003), Starfire had a very specific definition of what constitutes a "perfect duluth day." It has little if anything to do with weather.

Someone else may have coined it but I am pretty sure I told both Nelson and Hazledon about Perfect Duluth Days. I began using the term in approx 1996. Plus I am the domain owner so that must count for something.

The PDD logo is pretty swanky too.

Barrett gets credit for the logo.

Starfire did coin the phrase "Perfect Herbster Evening"

i can't wait to "coin" monroe when i get home.

I was a young lad named Jelly Bobby out on the pier in 1982

Last comment = baffling.

I think weather doesn't necessarily make a Duluth day perfect, but it sure helps. I can't think of many that took place on a day when it was 33 degrees and sleeting.

Saturday, May 6, 2000 -- that was a pretty Perfect Duluth Day. Breakfast at Uncle Loui's, kickball and gin & tonics at Chester Bowl, Giljunko steaming the mirrors at the NorShor during Homegrown. And the weather was stellar.

c-freakoahu-- bills only.

mr.jenkins & jelly bobby are one? that's fucked up.

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