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Magnificent Japanese Things


Rube Goldberg may be way before my time but after getting a book of his inventions one Christmas, his world was revealed unto me. Now in this video there are nearly thirteen minutes of many Goldberg-esque contraptions for a Japanese business or concept or something.

Since I've taken some Japanese I should really take the time to figure out exactly what the numerous signs say. Maybe later. For now, watch and wonder.


Cool stuff. Wish I had an ounce of that kind of skill. Ingenuity is a strength of the Japanese to be sure.

FYI - The signs (that are all the same) say PI-TA-GO-RA SU-I-CHI. I don't know what it is supposed to mean, but I do know that they are words of foreign origin (i.e. non-Japanese)being spelled phonetically. One can tell by the use of KATAKANA (one of two syllabaries used to write Japanese, in addition to kanji). Sorry to sound like a smartypants.

etakolotsineechee this...

the signs all say "we're smarter than you".

Rube Goldberg taught me cause and effect.

etakolosineechee in japaneze--it's the name of the toy company that makes those setups - like hasbro & mattel.
each setup is an japan tv ad.
i'll bet.
anyone up?

I hadn't had a chance to watch it yet, but I guess it's a HALF HOUR long!

I once wrote a comic about Rube Goldberg. Well, it wasn't about him but it mentioned him. And I didn't write it, someone else did, but I drew it. And ... well ... uh. Yeah.

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