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Living In Sin at the Holiday Inn


How out of control are the Geek Prom geeks at the Holiday Inn? So out of control that they used an image without permission.

Zoey is starting a pillow fight. Lumpy loves irony. Sherman crossed the line. Grain alcohol is in the house.

To quote Allen Richardson: "Let's call the front desk and get some methamphetamine. I thought we were sophisticated."


I'm telling your moms!

Don't make me come down there.

Man, Duluth was so cool last night. I was just walkin' around breathing in the geek-free air. Not a geek in sight. Normally you can't hardly sneeze without knocking one down.

It was reeking of geeking down here. I could hardly inhale.

I stayed at that Holiday Inn when my cousin Jill got married in 1988.

Geek Prom was a blast this year, the Science Museum was an awesome venue, and the Holiday Inn bar was very accomodating.

PS - For anyone who cares, we ran into the Cheat down there, who confirmed his identity as "Jon," claimed the whole "Creepy Japanese Things" episode was 95% April Fool's Day joke, and we kissed and made up when he said the whole thing was over as soon as Barrett created the "Creepy Duluth Stuff" category, which, of course, was created by me with my black belt in PC. Then he was dragged out by his lady friend who is about a foot taller he is, and judging by the way she was rubbing my arm she is a professional masseuse(sp) too. Not that there's anything wrong with that, Cheat.

april fools my ass
i'm still fuming

Sigh, why do I always have to be the one who crosses the line?

Who the fuck starts an April Fool's joke on the 30th of March?!?

the cheat's got a gf??? fuckin cheat.

Sherman crossed the line, but not in my favorite way.

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