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How John and I spent Easter

On the way to Bemidji a blazer rolls through a stop sign and hits us on highway 2
John hit his head.
The other side.
We are only mildly scratched, but expect to feel worse tomorrow.
The car is fucked, the lap top is fucked, and a copy of Burnout 3: Takedown that was in the trunk.

It was incredible driving on John's part and thanks to him we are both walking around. Notice that the car was pinned on both sides. John laid on the horn (the driver was really oblivious never even slowed down) and swerved for the empty space.
Everyone is OK.
When asked to sit down by the paramedics he said he was "Too pumped up." When asked what day it was his reply was, "Somewhere around Easter." And then I said, "It is Easter." And the paramedics scolded me and told me to not intervene.


I love that you had Burnout 3 in the trunk and that it was "takin' down".

my god, Im glad you guys are ok. Such a confluance of good and bad luck.

So very sorry to hear of your accident, but glad you are only bruised and not broken. Hope the paramedics gave you some good painkillers because you probably WILL feel the fallout tomorrow from being tossed around like a ragdoll. Please take it easy and heal fast.

Oh, my god. Call me ASAP.

Judging from the crushed part of the car, if things had only been slighly different, you could've been seriously injured. Thank you John for keeping you both safe as could be. That car and computer were great, but screw them both I'm glad that you're OK.

Since you're OK, I will go ahead and say that the pic of John smiling behind where his head broke the windshield is classic Holden.

So, what kind of new car are you going to get?

(and yes, I feel weird leaving this comment)

jesus fucking christ, glad you guys are ok. fucking SUV drivers.

can i have your leftover painkillers?

i hate to be that guy, but the lap top: maybe you can still get all yr stuff off it? john, if that is indeed yours, i know it (and linux) has been your life for the past six months. now that your life has flashed before your eyes, what are you going to do next?
and on an artistic note: please dont go into seclusion ala dylan. i want to see you, and (metaphoricly) lick your wounds.

i must add: i too, LOVE that you had "Burnout 3: Takedown" in the trunk, for myriad reasons.

I guess we won't be washing the Corrolla together again. I am glad you 2 are ok. Maybe you could buy a HUmmer now and we could drive around and flip people off.

For as bad as that car looks, you two are very lucky to have only been tossed around! Did you get insurance info from the ass-hat in the blazer? I'm sure his company will be paying for a nice new car (and laptop).

Wow. Cathy, I'm very glad you and John are ok; I hope you're both not hurting too badly today.

they have risen!

glad you're both ok. similar thing happened to me two weeks ago but not as bad. next time i see you drinks are on me!

Looks like thumbudy wasn't wearing their seatbelt

Glad you're okay... take lots of hot baths, a sauna if you've got access to one and loads of ibuprofen or tylenol...

Not exactly a joke. We were wearing seat belts and the air bag went off for the driver. Always wear seat belts.

oh my god. I'm glad you're both alright.

Thanks for the well wishes.

Well I had thought that my weekend was about F*cked and then I saw this and knew my problems weren't the worst of it.

I'm overjoyed that no one was hurt badly.
Was the other reckless driver drunk?

I can just hope that my Black April isn't rubbing off on anybody. This month has been hell for me..

Sorry that things are going badly for you Jizbeano1. Hope things get better. Damn it. There are too many unhappy things happening.
The other driver was not drunk, but the guy at the junk yard where the car was towed said that her 21 year-old daughter died a couple weeks ago (not car accident). And the people who helped us out the most at the accident were related to the blind guy that died in Cass Lake when some young kids beat him up. A lot of sadness.
Thanks again everyone for the nice comments it really means a lot.

And Bad Cat! looks like insurance from the SUV will be covering everything.
RIP little Corolla. You were a good car.

Is the language really necessary? I was going to show some of my family this site (doing some Duluth research before an upcoming visit) until I ran into f-this, f-that.


Yes. Language is neccessary. necessary. neccesary? necrocary. necromancer!

1. When you almost get killed, it's quite OK to say a couple of fucks here and there.

2. Also, Lizard King, naming yourself after someone who repeatedly whipped his cock out in front of thousands of people and sang about wanting to fuck his mother kind of negates your argument.

3. I loved that car. It's sad to see it go. I'm just marveling and being thankful that you're both OK.

i won't say fuck anymore if other people won't say fuck anymore. i mean, what the fuck?

Lizard King, do you go to porn sites, then ask them kindly to clothe the models because you want to show them to your family? You do? Perv. ;)

barrett said cock. what a fucking fuck face.

I'm glad you both are okay. I imagine Easter will have a new context for the both of you from now own.

Cathie I am so sorry this happened but thankful that you are both ok. Verrrrry bad damage to the car and I will miss that corolla also.
See you tomorrow

Ivy's on the blog! My life is complete.

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