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Homegrown, Day One of Eight


Ribbon cutting at 9 pee em. Devil music to follow. Let the boisterous merrymaking begin.


The Wormsley Common Gang, made up of a bunch of teenage socialist vandals, is a pretty good punk band. I'd say they stole the show at Homegrown's "New Band Night."

Acceleratii was also good, but the crowd had thinned out by the time they took the stage.

The runners-up to the 2006 Geek Prom king and queen got things started by using "the power of rock" to cut the ribbon to start the festival. Walter Mahnke, the runner-up king, proved his nerdiness later by realizing he had locked his keys in his car.

Since Walter had time to kill waiting for a locksmith, he told me about one of his family's claims to fame. Apparently, many years ago, his grandfather beat the shit out of Bob Hope.

I learned a new piece of slang later in the evening from a young lady who had been abandoned by her boyfriend. Maybe it's common knowledge, but I had never heard that if someone is on a "safety mission," it means he is off smoking pot, in this case down on Michigan Street.

I learn something new every day at Homegrown.

One day down, seven to go.


You have apparently missed all of our Safety Meetings.

Maybe he was checking the fuses at the Norshor

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