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Geeks + Sushi = A Wonderful Thing

Mmmm, raw fish!

I've noticed that there are quite a few sushi aFISHionados in the PDD bunch. I strongly suggest that we should all get together for a meal of raw fish before Geek Prom next weekend.

Here's my plan:

-Saturday, April 22nd, pre-Geek Prom meal
-Fuji Ya, Downtown St. Paul (www.fujiyasushi.com)
-Full Geek Regalia

Any takers? We'll be there - and would like y'all to join us. Please let me know if you're interested ASAP and I'll see if we can all get a bit table together.



Hold the mercury and intestinal parasites, please.


You're supposed to get them on the side!

I will try very hard to make it. I'm moving that day. . .

For those concerned about mercury in sushi and sashimi, the Natural Resources Defense Council has a great website to guide you through which types of fish have the highest concentrations of mercury and which are relatively safe to eat on a regular basis as well as which fish should be avoided because of environmentally unsound harvesting practices. Go to http://www.nrdc.org/health/effects/mercury/protect.asp for more info. As for parasites, if properly prepared (flash frozen to a temperature below 14 degrees fahrenheit for a period of 7 days as required by FDA guidelines) all anisakis parasites will be eradicated. Enjoy your raw fish, lucky..

(I have to work on the 22nd and will not be attending.)

Sounds good to me! I'll pass this along to the prom commitee members that don't come to PDD.

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