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gamer geek help needed


Does ANYONE have historic military miniatures? I'm teaching a Gaming class for spring symposium at Harbor City School and would like to get all napoleonic on these kids. WWII tanks, Romans v. Ostragoths, anything with historical context. Oh sure we can rig up counters and chits and paper but I remember when I first got to play in my first full on tiny trees and astroturf tabletop battle...changed me forever. Contact baci_at_harborcityschool_dot_org


My coworker keeps one of these miniature canon things in his mailbox to deter more work being thrown at him... Not sure if he'd be willing to give it up, but I'll ask.

michelle lee's husband is heavy into that stuff, for real.

you could email her at:
[email protected], i think...

I'll pass this on to my gamer-geek husband, he's more of a mini-gamer than I am.
(and by "mini-gamer", I mean he uses minis to game, not that he's tiny)

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