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Carmody is open...officially!


I think I found my new favorite bar.

I call this picture "Shazam!"


Screw it ... I'm runnin' the gauntlet.

no yer not

plus, how hard is it run the gauntlet at 2:47am? huh? how hard?

hey guys! Guys! I just had the most WONderful dream...I dreamt that Carmody finally opened, and they had a barstool reserved JUST for me and Rick gave me all my drinks for free, and you and you and...you were there...and so was Bono and the Edge...and that guy from the Last Of The Mohicans...wow...

I guess the "Mike Hatch has a vendetta against Carmody" rumor was...just a rumor?

Barrett wins the prize for the most geekily annoying gaunlet ever, It's mint!

It's seriously open? When did that happen?

ha ha! bad cat is outta the loop!

Carmody opened _officially_ at 4pm April 20th ... Sassanach playing Friday and Saturday 21st and 22nd - 6-9 or whenever. Real Irish/Scottish rowdy singalongs and the like. Music to drink to.....

Apparently my husband and his gaming group were down there last night and he dind't even get me!
(going home at lunch for an ass-kickin!)

Jake is so in troubllllllle! Ha ha!

Sell tickets, Bad Cat!

I'll post it on the web later as a video. ;)

Hey barret thanks for the phone call.

Top o' the pint 2 ya!! Remember to get yer PDD on there TUESDAY!!! may 2nd -- PDD's own TangierS57 and if1k and 4321 ---all truely experinmental

Yes. I. Am. A. Loser.

Oh, well. I only moved to town last fall, gimme a breakfast.

Where is this place at?

in.dog, you have dreams about bono too? do you sit on his lap in any of them, by chance?

naah...my dreams of bono usually involve me swiping his sunglasses and he and the rest of the band chase me around the yard Benny Hill style.

it's across from the construction of the new hotel next to the Hacienda. good luck finding parking. maybe the Fitger's lot is the best bet. (i parked straight up the hill.)

Does Carmody have a website?

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