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Two items:

Long shot-
Does anyone have a Canon speedlight 420ex or 500ex series flash I could borrow for 2 days? I have a decent flash but have been wanting to try the remote multiple flash option, just not enough to plunck down the $ for another flash myself.

Secondly anyone else know of the band LCD Soundsystem? I wasn't paying attention and grabbed a bunch of different new albums online a few months back and at first I thought this was a (good) eighties band, but guess not, they are pretty new(ish). I like them (er actually mainly one person in the studio) quite a bit. (You might have heard Losing My Edge which I guess was pretty popular in certain circles around '02)


James Murphy.
Check out their comps.

I wasn't too into "Daft Punk..," but "Beat Connection," in almost every incarnation, fucking kills.

yes ex550

email me

sorry about that... i thought if you clicked my name you'd get my email

rdfinnigan at mac . com

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