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DNT Adds Red to Web Site


The full story.


No offense to the workers of the Duluth News Tribune or the Superior Telegram, but hopefully they can actually make some good news now.

Everytime I open the DNT I hope that there is at least one article other than a syndicated Nytimes article that I care to read.

It seems like they are going to be sold after this deal. 12 newspapers are reportedly to be sold once the deal goes through, incidentally 8 of the 12 are the only union papers in the deal. sad.

Why is Union such a bad thing?

(Have you ever real the wall street journal, they are always ripping on unions.)

They helped to keep people alive in the mines.

btw. I hope Northwest goes under before they take another 100 million from the government. My vote, the union buys northwest, because apparently they want to run the company. It may be good.

I love that you have Thottbot on your toolbar. So do I.


Only the best.

Unfortunately, you can pretty much guarentee that being sold off piece-mail is not going to dramaticaly improve the DNT's news room.

(1) Buyer is found. (2) Buyer says cut costs and increase profit. (3) Robots take over all jobs at DNT.

I hear Sonju Two Harbors is an interested buyer... Duluth—SUPER, MEGA, ÜBER-AWESOME—News Tribune SALE!

Note the dateline on the story... New York. And there you have it.

I think it's sad that Knight-Ridder will no longer be publishing newspapers. They were the only large newspaper publisher (which almost all dailies are owned by these days) not to buy in to the Bush-Cheney propoganda machine. While you may sit and whine about how our daily is a corporate machine that only prints what comes in on the wirefeed, for a town the size of Duluth, the DNT is an excellent publication (and no, I'm not just saying that because I have a small man-crush on Sam Cook...).

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