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Anyone know if Rick Boo's bar is doing the grand opening tonight? OK, I know it's really Ed Gleason's bar, but it's still Rick's place to me in my little world. I'm probably harboring some latent nostalgic Norshor memories. Ah.... The Norshor.....


They are having a small private party I heard. They are shooting for a next Friday opening. Lots of work to be done from what I can see through the front window.

I kind of had a feeling they weren't ready. Thanks, Starfire.

I heard MN Power had it out for them and was tring to charge 10,000 for 10 feet of line to get electricty.
A Court battle starts on monday.

I heard a rumor that they're fighting with the owner of the building over who's responsible for damages.
Personally, I think it's the brittish.

What is this new place called?
I want the Norshor back.... remember all of those shows on the mezzanine, poetry night and all? It was beautiful.

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