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Shout Run

Only really bizarre people would enjoy this - needless to say, I giggled quite a bit.
Odd movie of digital screams being thrown - I can't look away!


well that was annoying

thats pretty bizarre, a touch too long, but amusing in it's dadaest presentation

0:01 - Ha ha ha! Look at that!
0:06 - Oh, this is quite clever. Ho ho!
0:18 - Oh, look. It goes up and down.
0:40 - Interesting texture in the environments they have chosen.
0:48 - The lighting is interesting too.
0:57 - Hmm... this is getting redundant.
1:22 - Wonder what comments they wrote down below...
1:33 - Yep, still screaming.
1:56 - Didn't they use that hallway before?
2:25 - If I stop this now, I'm sure I'll miss the big pay off at the end.
2:52 - I bet there is no pay off.
3:04 - I bet there is no end.
3:40 - Make it stop! Dear God! Make it stop!
4:08 - Yep. There goes another four minutes of my life.

That sucked.

This didn't


Does anyone know where I can get 250,000 super balls cheap?

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