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Children's Record

I'm sure that someone here can confirm a question that I have. Is the song they're talking about here from the Slim Goodbuzz thing that was recorded in Lindquist's living room a couple of years back?

If so, I think that's pretty neat.


yup. i was there. i can confirm.

OMG I bet indie rockers may have heard me sing a bluesy song about my twat, if they listened to the whole album.

Pay me my BMI $$$$$$

People still read Rolling Stone?

Goddamn you, Duluth City-wide Scavenger Hunt!!! (We were in the middle of running around town placing Scavenger Hunt medalions for the following day when we got the call. The call to bring it. If you say *anything* I will light your house on fire, Lumpy... .)

Any future scavenger hunt's planned? I was out of town for the last one, but Shelly told me I could have cleaned up in the action figure catagory.


Possibly this late spring/early summer. You will need to physically work over both Lefty and Lumpy to make this happen.

...And promise that enough of your friends will participate so we don't have to shell out $400 of our own ching to put the stoopid thing on. Again.

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