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slip 'n' slide

Has anyone else seen this photo of our mayor in this week's Budgeteer?

I HIGHLY recomend tracking down the full size version. It's CLASSIC.


If this doesn't indeed push him to "the Edge" then I don't know what will.

This hits just keep on comin'.


He looked better in his arrest mug than this digusting cover shot. Should have Nads'd those chest rugs, first, methinks. *ew*

Waterpark review:

Not bad - AT ALL! My only wish is that it's too bad there isn't a wave pool. However, snobbish LifeGuards aside, it's a good time! I highly recommend it as a cure for the winter blahs.

Now, if they could only do something about all those people staring at me when I go down the kiddie slide.

ya know...the Duluth Citizen's Blog is much more suited to this kind of crap...err...tripe...err...crap.

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