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yeah, i know you natives hate it...barely tolerate it but me...I'm a sick sick man and I love it...this may stem from not being able to play in it as a kid...the only word we have for 'snow' in Texas can only be loosely translated into sheer panic in the streets...

SO, before i got my Looch on last night, I grabbed my trusty snowshoes and footed it down to Leif Ericson park to...write my name in the snow...in big f-ing letters, too...normally it'd take a half dozen guys, a keg of cheap beer, and a good six hours to do what I did with my snowshoes in a half hour...

granted, I didn't just write my name...i also trampled out 'ain't no time to hate' on the slope of the park that faces away from downtown. my name's on the slope facing downtown.

why? becaue i can.


I'm with you on the snow, but I'm not a native either, so perhaps you have a point. Natives?

Native minnesotan, been up here for 11 years. Been snowboarding at Spirit 3x already. LOVE IT! Bring it on!

Native Duluthian exiled in Texas and I think of snow, snowboarding and Duluth every day. Enjoy it.

Paul H. and I went up to Hartley this afternoon and had a really good hike with the dog...

I'd give it a shot if you can...snow off the trail's a bit heavy, and about knee deep or better in spots...

Beautiful though... especially in the pine stands

IDN, we should meet up sometime. I live just a bit away from Hartley, and walk the new dog there just about every day, somewhere between 4 - 5

Took me a second to grasp that you were writing your name with snowshoes.

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