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Podsites Rawk!

I just discovered Podsites and I love it. What is it you ask?

Apple's iPod sports a simple, powerful but little used feature, called Notes. iPod's Notes lets you read text files on your iPod. Notes can also link to other Notes, as well as songs and images on your iPod.

A podSite is our name for a collection of text files, with links to other text files, and possibly sound files and image files stored, and accessible on an iPod.

Think of it as a website for your iPod. Or a slice of the web, in your pocket. podSites are much easier to create than web pages, you don't need any special tools, and you can learn the skills to create a podSite in less than half an hour.

If you are a blogger, or web developer, and already creating web content, converting that content into a podSite is simple

So far I have downloaded iPod Bartender and the Tao Te Ching. I was thinking a Duluth Bar Guide would be a sweet idea. Maybe Slim would team up on this idea. Anyone know how to reach him? Or maybe a Duluth band Guide with links to a song by each local band. How about a treasure hunt or a guided tour of Duluth architecture. The possibilities are endless. Check out their site and load up your iPod!


Slim already has a guide to Twin Ports bars, which could probably be easily converted to podsite format. Hm. As his webmaster I should look into this.

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